Friday, December 30, 2011
Darshan 29 December 2011
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Swami Vishwananda venerated Shri Upasani Maharaj
Sastri, who later came to be known as ‘Shri Upasani Maharaj’.
Kashinath failed in all the material ventures he undertook. His health also deteriorated substantially due to neglect and lack of comforts, often begging as a means of livelihood, often quenching his hunger only by drinking water. He met Yogi Kulkarni at Rahuri who insisted upon him to meet Sai Baba, as Shirdi was on the way. Ultimately Kashinath came to Shirdi and met Shri Sai on 27th June 1911. Little did he realise at that time that he had met his Sadguru (Master) and that the course of his life would undergo complete thereafter.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
A step in the pilgrimage of Swami Vishwananda in India
The grace of the Sadguru is immeasurable. It is said that whereas a touch stone can change a stone to gold by mere touch, the Sadguru (Perfect Master) is such a touch-stone who can convert a stone (disciple) to a touch-stone i.e. to His own state (Perfect Master). The Sadguru, at this stage is responsible for everything, good or evil, done by the pupil. At this stage, the Sadguru virtually remains at the mercy of the disciple. By this total sacrifice of Himself, the Sadguru evolves the disciple to a state of perfection i.e. His own state. Shri Sai, once told one of His close-associates that the endeavor should be to create these perfect men so that they can, in turn, spiritually uplift thousands and millions of other souls from the state of Jivatma (bonded souls) to the state of Shivatma (Perfect souls). To evolve Kashinath was no easy task for Shri Sai. It is said that the difference in the state of consciousness between a stone and an ordinary man is what is the difference between an ordinary man and a Sadguru. Like a man turning a piece of stone by the use of hammer, chisel to a beautiful piece of sculpture, the Sadguru can change a gross individual to that of a perfect soul. This is what Shri Sai was trying to do on Kashinath.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
How a Satguru trains a disciple
To begin his work Sai told Kashinath “Sit quiet, somehow. Have nothing to do with anyone”. Sai wanted Kashinath not to create further ‘Samskaras’ or impressions for himself in attachment with other people but to draw his mind inwards. As he followed the master, a series of mystic reactions happened in Kashinath and around him.
To make Kashinath realise that, his Guru (Shri Sai) was present in every living being irrespective of the species, He once told Kashinath that he would one day visit Khandoba temple (where Kashinath used to stay). He further said that would Kashinath recognize Him, He would have chillum (earthen pipe for smoking) with him. About two or three months later Kashinath was taking some food to his Guru (Sai, who was sitting at the DwarkaMai mosque). A black dog who had been watching Kashinath while cooking, followed him. Without giving any food to the dog, Kashinath went straight to Sai, who said, “why did you take the trouble to bring the food here, in this hot sun. I was sitting there (i.e. near the temple)”. Kashinath was shocked to hear that his Guru was at the temple and he did not know. He told Sai that there was none in the temple except a black dog. At that, Sai said ‘yes, yes, I was that dog”. Hearing this Kashinath could not stop crying and resolved never again to commit such a blunder. On the next day, while cooking, he watched around cautiously lest the dog would come again. The dog was no where to be seen. A shudra (lower-caste) beggar was found leaning against a wall and watching him cook. Kashinath the Brahmin (Uppermost-caste) grown in the orthodox tradition, immediately asked him to go away. Later when he approached Sai, the latter asked him “yesterday you did not give me food and today you also ordered me not to stand there and drove me away. Do not bring food for me hereafter”. Again Kashinath was surprised and again he was told that ‘shudra’ was Sai Himself. These two lessons taught Kashinath that God and Shri Sai are in everything, and that the essence of God pervades everyone and everything.
Monday, November 14, 2011
Above the duality as teached by Swami Vishwananda
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Swami Vishwananda talked in Helsinski
Monday, October 24, 2011
Sri Swami Vishwananda - SURRENDER & REMEMBER
1. Surrender
2. Continuous Rememberance

Find the beautiful talk here:
P.S.: With the talk he also gave special meditation, which will be available shortly as an audio CD (for further details, please check the Bhakti Shop website in a few days:
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Swami Vishwananda says today:
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Swami Vishwananda talks about training the mind to be positive
Friday, September 23, 2011
From Swami Vishwananda satsang in Belgrade
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Satsang of Swami Vishwananda in Croatia
Monday, September 19, 2011
In Split, Croatia Swami Vishwananda gave a Satsang
Friday, September 16, 2011
Sri Swami Vishwananda - THE DESIRE TO SERVE

In the third and last talk given during his visit to Shree Peetha Nilaya, Satya Narayan Das discussed a wide range of topics since the talk in itself was an impromptu event that had not been planned.
However the overriding theme throughout the talk was that as devotees we must remember that our only true desire should be to remain constantly in service to the divine. Then only can be truly obtain everything.
Enjoy the great talk here!
Monday, September 12, 2011
Sri Swami Vishwananda - Offences against the Holy Names
by Satya Narayan Das
In this episode you will find the second talk given by Satya Narayan Das during his visit to Shree Peetha Nilaya. He discusses the several ways in which one can commit an offense towards God through the use of His names so that we become more aware of our actions.
Listen this episode here:
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Sri Swami Vishwananda - STAGES OF BHAKTI
Stages of BHAKTI by Satya Narayan Das
In this episode you will find the first of three talks give by Satya Narayan Das during his most recent visit to Shree Peetha Nilya. He speaks about the various stages of Bhakti given in various Hindu scriptures.
Just follow the link to his great talk here:
Friday, August 26, 2011
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Sri Swami Vishwananda - KRISHNA, the lord of time
In this episode you will find the full talk given by Sri Swami Vishwananda during the 2011 Krishna Janmashtami celebrations at Shree Peetha Nilaya.
Celebrating the birth of Lord Krishna, Swamiji spoke of Krishna's standing in the hierarchy of Hindu deities as well as His many qualities, none more so than His lordship over Time in itself.

Listen His great talk here:
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Sri Swami Vishwananda - BIRTHDAY PACKAGE
We hope many of you had a chance to be part of Swami’s birthday celebrations wherever you were. As a way of contributing to Swami’s ongoing mission we are offering a special package to mark his 33rd birthday.

Please note, that all the CDs are newly released. No. 1 and 3 are being distributed by SILENZIO, Europe’s largest distributor of spiritual music and No. 2 contains many beautiful tracks, most of which were performed at the Munich concert last Saturday, as part of the Rainbow Spirit Festival. The book JUST LOVE, an inspiring compilation of talks by Swamiji from the past five years, has been published in both English and German. Please state the language version you want.
The package is limited and is offered until Guru Purnima.
Please place your order through Bhakti Shop in person or by email to Please remember to specify your choices.
Many thanks and much Love
Your Bhakti Marga family
Friday, June 10, 2011
On Chanting OM - Swami Vishwananda

When you chant OM, you chant from deep within you, from the microcosmos that you have inside of you. That’s what is said in the Vedas. They talk about the microcosmos, which is deep within humans, where the Divine is seated all the time. That’s why, also, when you sing, if you want to make it more powerful, let it emerge from deep within you, and you will have more power. That’s why when a lion roars, he roars from deep within. You never see a lion roaring very softly from the outside. That’s why he is the king of the animals. The roaring of the lion is so powerful that it sometimes shakes even the Divine!
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Lord Vishnu's Cosmic Body
The body of the Lord is the same as everybody. Only when He takes his cosmic form, he will appear as Maha Vishnu.
Sri Swami Vishwananda
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Sri Swami Vishwananda - SEVA SOCIETY KENYA

We are a group of volunteers based in Nairobi who have formed a Seva society.
‘Our vision is to serve the needy children, aged people and animals. We are here to serve the less fortunate and creating a better environment from them.’
We believe that through love and selfless deed we can make a difference and create a life changing moment for the less fortunate.
We are committed to serve the less fortunate children by visiting homes in Nairobi and offering them with what we can such as Food, Wheelchairs, and etc. We will endeavor to visit one home every two months.
Swami Vishwananda Seva Society did a seva yesterday at Mama Fauzia’s Childrens home. The home was originally started in 1989 at Majengo Estate opposite Pumwani District Officer’s Office and it re-located to Kasarani/Mwiki village in early 2006.
The founder member Mrs Muthoni Hasan Fauzia Who comes from Vihiga district started the home with 2 children after acquiring some basic training as a social worker at Crescent Medical Aid. She attributes her motivation to start the home to her humble family background where she grew with 16 siblings.
The first child that she started with was 4 months old and today she provides a home to over 32We arrived at the Home at 12 noon and started assisting in cutting of vegetables and preparing the lunch for the children. This was the first time our seva group had visited this children’s home. The home takes care of children from all backgrounds of culture mostly abandon children, children whose parents are suffering from disabilities. Mama Fauzia has ensured to assist the children in the best possible way and in some cases she has managed to arrange for the children to study in States, Turkey etc.


OM Healing is an ancient group healing technique that uses the cosmic vibration of OM for healing humanity and Mother Earth.
We are all needed to make a change, to help turn around the imbalances whether they are in ourselves, our families, our society or our environment. As more and more people join the OM Healing circles around the earth, the healing and sacred energy of OM will naturally embrace, transform and expand our lives and existence as we know it. We heal ourselves and at the same time we perform a great service for our world!
OM Healing helps to heal people and the surrounding on all levels: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.
For thousands of years this sacred method of healing was not accessible to mankind. Now, as we are entering a new period of time, in which more and more people are reawakening to the hidden potentials inside of themselves, OM healing is being brought back to help facilitate this change in humanity.
For more information about OM Healing:
Om healing is scheduled every Saturday from 4:00pm to 5 pm. Please contact /email for additional details.

‘If you want to change, change now, open your hearts to love’
Our Special appreciations to all the individuals who have been donating at our Temple based near Ram Mandir and also to;
1. Vita Foam for donating us the Mattresses
2. Mr Yogesh Patel of Kenroid Limited for Wheelchairs, Biscuits and cash donations.
3. Mr Mukesh Patel of Tuffsteel Limited for Cash donations
4. Mr Kirit Patel of ASL Group for Cash donations
5. Mr Navin Savla of Tononoka Steel Limited for Cash donations.
6. Minaben of I M Bank Limited for cash donations
7. Satish to organize donations from Canada.
8. Reema Shah for food donations
Our Next seva program is scheduled to be on 13Th June 2011. We will communicate the details later. However, we invite all to assist us in Donations in forma of cash or alternatively donate food items, clothes, books, etc.
Any individual/ corporate who wishes to contact our Seva society kindly contact below for further details.
Bansi Shah 0720 053 880, Chunilal Shah 0722 243 925
Email address:,
Our site:
Blog site:
You Raise Me Up
-Sri Swami Vishwananda
-Master Christ Jesus
Saturday, April 23, 2011
"Christ Has Resurrected, Oh, Yes, Let's Praise Him" -Swami Vishwananda

Of course everyone wants to be around in that time, but when the Teacher is there, nobody wants to be around, and it is always like that. Afterward, 10 or 20 years after people say, “Oh, how wonderful it would have been if we were there. “ So, this is how the mind of man functions. If you have the chance to be with the Master, take it!
He [Jesus] is calling everyone to resurrect with him and letting the old one, who is inside of you, die and letting the new one resurrect with Him. This is the Resurrection of Christ. Oh, yes, let’s praise Him. He resurrected 2,000 years ago, and even if he had not resurrected, He would still be Christ Himself. But to show the resurrection is possible, to show that God-Realization is possible or your own Realization, He has shown it. He has shown the Way. That is why He said, “I am the Way, the Truth and the Light.
Friday, April 22, 2011
The Passion of Master Christ Jesus - Good Friday

"Actually, Christ was Love and this form of Christ we don’t picture in Christianity anymore. When you look at an icon or look at a statue of Christ, they look so miserable, but Christ was joy. That’s how people follow His message of Love. Once I asked Him [Christ] whether He was dancing, also. He said “Of course, I was dancing.”